
The 144,000 – Who Are They?

Learn about this most important subject of The 144,000 – Who are they? Can you be a part of this group of people? Learn what will happen to those who are not a part of this special group.

The Golden Bowl of Zechariah

Zechariah 4 reveals the method that the Lord uses to communicate Truth to the Seventh-day Adventist church. It shows how to know the truth and thus detect and reject false doctrines.

The Mighty Stone of Daniel 2 – part 1

Though we are very familiar with the ancient prophecy of Daniel 2, what is revealed in this study will shock you. Be prepared to be challenged as we revisit this important prophecy.

The Mighty Stone of Daniel 2 – part 2

Though we are very familiar with the ancient prophecy of Daniel 2, what is revealed in this study will shock you. Be prepared to be challenged as we revisit this important prophecy.

The Mighty Stone of Daniel 2 – part 3

Though we are very familiar with the ancient prophecy of Daniel 2, what is revealed in this study will shock you. Be prepared to be challenged as we revisit this important prophecy.

The Mighty Stone of Daniel 2 – part 4

Though we are very familiar with the ancient prophecy of Daniel 2, what is revealed in this study will shock you. Be prepared to be challenged as we revisit this important prophecy.